Our Next Conference PMLessonsLearned.com call will be on Thursday Jan 18th, 2007 at 9PM Eastern
I hope that you will all call in.
Conference Call Telephone Number: (712) 432-6060 Conference Access Code: 424424#
To convert to your timezone use: http://www.timeanddate.com/
I also encourage you to ask questions or share something about Project Management that you've learned in the past year when we get to the Q&A segment!
We hope to share some very vital information for those Studying for the PMP as well as those looking to obtain recertification PDUs and for those just looiing for pointers on how to apply project management.
Barbara Fuller will be sharing a Lesson Learned on "The Other PM: The real-life story of integrating Process Management with Project Management to increase the amount and quality of work done by an IT division."
Perhaps you read her recent article on the same topic on the onProjectsatWork.com website
Or maybe you heard her speak at the NYC ABPMP at PACE on the topic"Getting from Strategy to Action via the Solution Triangle: Business Process Management, Project Management, Balanced Scorecard"
BIO:Barbara Fuller is the President and Founder of Process and ProjectSolutions, Inc [PPS], a management-consulting firm that specializes in the disciplines of Process and Project Management. Ms. Fuller brings over twenty years of experience in the field of Information Technology and Project Management. Her experience includes managing over 100 projects for a mission critical billing system with$2 billion in revenue. Barbara also integrated Business Process Management with Project Management to create a PMO that reduced software delivery cycle time by 25% and increased organizational effectiveness by 100%. With a graduate degree in Systems Approach to Management, Project Management Certification [PMP], and Process Management Certification, Barbara facilitates a lively discussion on the Balanced Scorecard and how its use can break down the barriers and obstacles to success in a process-centric organization.
Barbara’s reach info: www.processandprojectsolutions.com